Apple has shared updated metrics on iOS 11 adoption today. The latest data says that the installed iOS 11 user base is more than double that of iOS 10 and that only 7% of users are running iOS 9 or earlier.

Apple doesn’t share regular updates on its software adoption, so third-party analysts like mixpanel work to fill in the gaps. As far as mixpanel’s data, it looked like iOS 11 adoption was about to overtake iOS 10 back in October.

For comparison, iOS 10 set a record by hitting 76% adoption this time last year, based on Apple’s data. Apple shared today that iOS 11 is installed on 65% of iOS devices as of yesterday, just a bit behind last year’s record.

The news also includes that 28% of devices are running iOS 10 for a total of 93% on the 2016 version or later. iOS 11 adoption will likely get another big boost as Apple will be releasing the option for users to turn off the company’s performance throttling feature in a upcoming update.

Even though iOS 11 hasn’t been adopted as quickly as its predecessors, a quick look at the latest Android Oreo adoption numbers shows how well iOS does with getting users to upgrade. Android Oreo was released last summer and still only has an installed base of 0.7%. In total, the last three versions dating back to 2015 only make up about 56% Android devices.