Development of the game was inspired by the Curiosity Rover’s Mars landing in 2012. After a period of only a few months, the game caught the attention of gamers and space enthusiasts alike, so the developers took the early build to Kickstarter. The original target was to raise $40,000, but over 1,000 backers took the final figure over $54,000. During the same period, the game was approved through Steam Greenlight.

Lacuna Passage sees the player waking up on Mars and taking control of the exploration of the planet, gathering supplies and samples – and, of course, surviving. You won’t find any Martians to fight, though. Surviving means making sure maintaining your life-support systems, making sure you are taking on enough calories, and getting enough exercise.


Lacuna Passage is due to arrive on Steam Early Access on May 17 and is available for PC and Mac for $14.99 (€14.99, £10.99).

If this doesn’t whet your appetite, then check out the Lacuna Passage prologue and let us know what you think! Don’t forget to come back to GameSkinny for more news on the game once it has been released!