Players take control of the titular Orb, who has fled his home after it was destroyed. Rather than finding somewhere safe to call home, he finds himself trapped in an alternate dimension called the Puzzleverse. Spanning over 12 “constellations,” there are more than 140 puzzles and challenges to solve, each one unique and progressively harder than the one before it.

Another one of the unique aspects of the game is that the abilities that Orb can find increases the difficulty of some of the puzzles. This, in turn, changes how you go about solving the puzzle the second time around. So even though there are 140 puzzles, you are forced to do some again and change the way you approach them.

ORB is slated for a fourth quarter 2018 release. While it isn’t clear which platforms the game will eventually land on, there is a free-to-download demo available via the game’s website. The demo currently features puzzles from the Aries constellation.

Check out the trailer below and then hop over and tell the developer what you think and, if so inclined, give it a thumbs up!