Hulu’s Into the Dark prepares for an early Spring Break with Treehouse, the March installment of the anthology horror series produced in conjunction with Blumhouse Television. The series premiered in October of 2018 with the slickly produced The Body and continued with four holiday-themed installments, the Thanksgiving-themed Flesh and Blood, the Christmas-centric Pooka!, New Years’ New Year, New You, a dark, claustrophobic Valentine in Down. Now the series is set to move out of winter and into the beginning of spring with a terrifying tale of a vacation gone wrong. 

Treehouse stars Westworld’s Jimmi Simpson and is directed and co-written (along with Todd Harthan) by Psych and A Million Little Things star James Roday. In addition to Simpson, the installment also includes Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Mary McCormack (The Kids Are Alright), Sutton Foster (Younger), and Sophia Del Pizzo (Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams). You probably wouldn’t know that to look at the trailer, which not only focuses almost entirely on Simpson’s vacation gone awry, but also leaves a lot of questions hanging as to what exactly is going on when his character returns to his family’s vacation home. 

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It’s one of the more convincing trailers for the anthology so far, as it looks to trade some of the tongue-in-cheek humor populating the other installments for some more traditional horror. The result is something that looks a bit like The Wicker Man (the original, not the Nicolas Cage “Not the bees!” version). Check out the full trailer and a brief synopsis for Treehouse below: 

From the look of things, Roday has some chops when it comes to directing horror, which will go nicely along with his other television directorial efforts on the likes of FOX’s Rosewood and The Resident, as well as SYFY’s short-lived grindhouse series Blood Drive, and, of course, Psych. Given Roday’s body of work has largely been in comedy, it’s a good be that Treehouse will have some laughs too, which could make this one to remember for the horror anthology. 

“Celebu-chef Peter Rake (Jimmi Simpson) escapes a scandal for a weekend at his family’s isolated vacation home, but there are debts to repay and Peter has to learn the lesson that a woman’s place is anywhere that she chooses to be… if he survives.”

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Into the Dark: Treehouse premieres Friday, March 1 on Hulu.