However, until such grandiose visions of the future an actual reality, we thankfully still have plenty of media out there that gives us an idea of what that future may look like. These imaginings find their home in science fiction novels, films, and a format very near and dear to our readers – video games.

Video games are the best format for us to potentially experience what space exploration might look like, while in the comfort (and general safety) of our own homes. NASA itself has already released a game for free on Steam – known as Moonbase Alpha, it’s an educational tool which models what the future of moon colonization might look like.

With a manned mission to Mars seemingly far off in the distant future, Tyler Owen of Random Seed Games is bringing a simulated experience to gamer everywhere with an otherworldy sandbox game called Lacuna Passage. This game aims to give us a window into that distant future, while delivering a fun and intense fight for survival.

Recently released to Early Access program May 17th, Lacuna Passage is now available on Steam. Currently the game only features a survival mode in which you’re stranded on the surface of the Red Planet itself, in an open world environment spanning 25 square miles. The full release of the game plans to feature a fully functional single-player campaign, with a fleshed out narrative.

I had the opportunity recently to chat with Tyler about Lacuna Passage, its inspirations, what features players can expect, and the potential future of the game as it moves through and leaves Early Access.

GameSkinny: What about Mars – or more specifically the Lacuna Passage itself – inspired you to make this game?

GS: Were there any films or novels that lent you inspiration?

GS: Have you spoken with or got any guidance from experts within the field, astrophysicists or astronomers for example?

So yeah, I take inspiration from many places. Ultimately I wanted to make a space game that was more relaxing and exploration-driven, and not some horror action experience because those have been done to death.

GS: What went into the process of creating a terrain with this scope and size?

In Lacuna Passage you are actually walking around on real Martian features.

GS: Looking back at these past few years of development, what would you say has been the biggest challenge or hurdle to overcome?

GS: What kind of threats to survival will players encounter or have to deal with on the Red Planet in survival mode?

But if you are prepared, then those scenarios aren’t nearly as life threatening. It might only require taking an EVA and replacing a fuse. I’ve got many planned updates for the future though, like sandstorms and other unique disasters.

GS: Will there be a crafting and resource system?

GS: Will there be any kind of end-goal or objectives to complete in Survival Mode?

GS: Will the price of the game increase once the full release is out?

I’d like to give a massive thank you to Tyler for taking the time to speak with us here at GameSkinny. If you’re interested Lacuna Passage, you can pick it up on Steam for $14.99. Or follow the official Twitter account for constant updates about the game’s progress. 

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more coverage of Lacuna Passage as it develops in Early Access and move towards its full release in the (hopefully not so distance) future!