Andre Gracias Lead Producer of Vamped Games was happy to gather the whole team and answer a few questions about their Kickstarter, funding as student-developers, and the creation of Funk unplugged’s mascot Ampy.

Lad Johnson: So the Vamped games team is all students?

LJ: Being students are you missing the resources that bigger industry names have? Does your university provide any of these?


LJ: This is your team’s first project. Do any of you have previous experience.

LJ: Why did you decide to use Kickstarter to fund your project? Was online crowd funding your only option?

LJ: If you do not meet your funding goals what happens next?

LJ: The graphics are fun yet scaled back. What engine is the game built on? Is this the final version of the game we are seeing?

LJ: From the Demo and trailer gameplay doesn’t seem very difficult. What is the games target audience?

LJ: I think you’ve done a great job coming up with rewards. How did you guys come up with these?

LJ: For 1000$ someone can assist with the game’s creation. To what extent could one utilize such a privilege? If I had ideas that were plausible would you accept all of them? 

LJ: Would the night on the town be worth 1500$?

LJ: The higher tier pledges have done well. Do you think this is due to them having limited availability?

LJ: It’s mentioned that the Nintendo 64 inspired this games gameplay. Any games in particular.

LJ: Why the limitation to just Xbox and PC?

LJ: Who would you say your competitions is?


LJ: Are you planning any Expansions or DLC?

LJ: When is the ideal time for this game to release?

LJ: A lovable square in a tropical setting? What inspired Ampy’s creation?

LJ: Can we expect future Vamped games titles to be platformers?

LJ: If Ampy was in Super Smash Bros what would his down-B be?

LJ: How much time is spent working on this project?

LJ: Are there any side project currently in the works?

Every day now a low budget indie title is catching the eyes of gamers. But, becoming the next big hit overnight is not an unrealistic goal. Watch out for theses boys from Chicago; Vamped Games might be on to something with Funk unplugged’s nostalgic gameplay.

Interview with a young game development team  Vamped Games   Funk Unplugged - 41