They’re all well-commentated eSport events as well. While watching, you don’t need to go far to hear a well-informed voice. Commentators are very much part of the viewing experience. They serve as harbingers of hype, tactical analysts, player interviewers, and etc. They help complete the show.

We got the opportunity to interview a well-known Street Fighter commentator, James “Chensor” Chen. James is one of the founding members of the commentating group UltraChen, and has been part of the fighting game community for some time now. So we discussed the rise of fighting games, the people behind it, and more. 

What would you say it is about fighters that appeals to so many people of different backgrounds?

James mentions a very interesting fact about the fighting game community. The community built itself around and “anyone is welcome” attitude. If you tune into any tournament, you’ll see players that represent all walks of life. And though the community continues to grow, if you were to join today, it would still be relatively easy. The radical inclusion of the fighting game community thankfully has not changed after its growth all these years.

So as a result, arcades, and thusly Street Fighter, became a popular place where many Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, and other ethnic groups gathered to play games. That general culture has never really left the scene, and now the varied representation helps continue to propagate itself into the FGC despite arcades basically being extinct.

Did you ever imagine as a fan that fighting games would ever get this popular? Being able to command such large stages and venues? 

The eSports boom he refers to began in the early 2000s. At that time, global tournaments among many games were being held worldwide. Events were also being televised across cable channels both domestically and internationally as well. Fighting games during the time were on the fringes of recognition. This of course belittled the level of competition and audience they commanded at the time. Eventually they found their place to be synonymous with the word eSports.

It took some time before fighters were recognized as legitimate eSports. What helped paved the way to that recognition?

James does address an interesting question about what makes an eSport. Based on the definition alone, fighting games have been eSports for years. Let’s examine B4 briefly. B4 was part of the Battle by the Bay tournaments which eventually became the Evolution Championship Series (EVO).

To me, it’s about having the people there who want to compete. So we were technically legitimate since 2000, when B4 took place. The main thing is that the FGC has grown more organically, and is relying upon itself to sustain itself. And I like that a whole lot. I’m glad the FGC isn’t a big single governing body unit being controlled by some higher up power. The FGC really emphasizes the “C”: Community.

B4 had everything that major tournaments have today – an audience, the players, the strong competition, and etc. The people organized the tournament, encouraged players to attend, and last but not least welcomed newcomers to join.

Sponsored players, company support, ESPN coverage, and so forth came afterwards. The people behind it always remained. So, the reasons why fighting games took time to seen as “eSport headliners” are ultimately unimportant. They’ve been legitimate for years, and the only fundamental difference is that now the world is watching.

For a commentator like yourself and the UltraChen crew, what is something about your job people would be surprised to know?

Major tournaments are regularly held everywhere. When you consider the amount of traveling a person must do within a year – to say that can add up would be quite the understatement. Not to mention the number of international events as well. Being a commentator makes you into a world traveler much like Ryu from Street Fighter.

So the ones who are trying are definitely in a starving artist struggle, but hopefully this continues to grow and can become something we can actually do as a career in the next few years.

Much like a competitor, you stay up to date with character match ups, frame data, etc. How much time would you say you dedicate to this before a big tournament?

Commentators have various degrees of how they’ll break down a match. They vary from technical, direct, and entertaining. Finding that balance understandably takes time and practice. But good, balanced commentary improves the viewing experience. James and UltraChen as a whole have that balance, which makes them regular favorites during streams.

By that, I mean, learning how to stop saying useless things (which we all do, like “Nice Throw!”) to learning about character strengths and weaknesses. For me, personally, that involves a lot of playing. I am also trying to up my watching regimen as well, but for Street Fighter V I learn the most while playing different characters online.

It makes a big difference when you put yourself in the shoes of certain characters. You really start to understand what players are looking for when using, or fighting, that character.

Regular tournament viewers are very familiar as to why you love to commentate. But for those who don’t know, what do you love most about commentating?

When did you first get involved with EVO?

EVO definitely has grown into a weekend look production that relies on the expertise of many individuals. The end result is a well-run event for everyone involved – players, attendees, viewers, and etc. All those talented individuals helped bring EVO to ESPN this year.

However, as my commentary role has grown, my ability to continue being a significant helper for Evo has all but diminished. Which is okay because they have a lot of really talented people helping them out now, more talented than I’ll ever be in many of those areas.

Just to put things into perspective, how hard is your job? And how much harder is it during EVO?

So I have to really work hard to strike a balance between being a technical commentator for those that know the game and a general commentator for those trying to learn the game.

What was your favorite moment at EVO 2016 that you saw live?

This moment was very memorable for many at the tournament. Juan “Hungrybox” DeBiedma, after years of being denied won 1st place for Super Smash Bros. Melee. DeBiedma is known as the world’s best Jigglypuff player and he came from losers side of the top 8 to become EVO champ.

So what’s next for James Chen?

If there’s a fighting game tournament, James and company won’t be far away. They also regularly stream to discuss fighting games and what’s happening within the FGC as well.

The four of us on the team are trying really hard to take Fighting Game analysis to the next level, to help people really appreciate what goes into Fighting Games in a way that’s palatable to new viewers.

Bonus round: What would you tell someone to encourage them to get into a fighting game?

Elevating one’s game to professional levels is certainly not easy, but it’s not impossible. James offers some perspective, and reminds us it’s simply a matter of throwing yourself to the wolves. After all, viewing tournaments is more exciting when a newcomer wins, and not the sure bets. 

If they’re trying to play casually with friends: find good friends who enjoy it as much as you. Try to spread the joy of fighting games to them so they will continue to come back and keep playing with you.

Don’t be happy if you’re just winning and beating your friends all day. Tell them what you’re doing, where they’re lacking, so you can both enjoy it more. Winning all the time isn’t the true fun of fighting games. Having a challenging competitor, at any level, is.

If you’re trying to just get into it as a viewer: when you watch, try to pick one of the players you are watching to root for and then put yourself in their shoes as the game goes. If they end up doing something that you never would have thought to try and you find yourself surprised, that will help you really appreciate their talents and intelligence. It makes watching Fighting Games more appreciative.

We look forward and to seeing (and hearing) James’ expertise at work at the next major tournament and his future projects. We hope you do as well.