This week I caught up with Rocket Lolly’s co-founder Oscar Clark for a chat about The Rocky Horror Show: Touch Me and his experiences with running a Kickstarter campaign.

ESpalding: Hello, Oscar! Thank you so much for letting me interview you. Could you start by telling the readers a bit about yourself and your studio Rocket Lolly Games?

Spalding: Other than the obvious fact that you are a massive RHS fan, what inspired you to make The Rocky Horror Show: Touch Me game?

Spalding: As RHS has such a huge cult following, how are you going to make sure that players get an authentic RHS gaming experience?

Spalding: Why did you go for an interactive mobile game rather than any other style of game out there at the moment?

Spalding: The Rocky Horror Show: Touch Me game is currently on Kickstarter and is nearing the end of the campaign. What has been your experience with Kickstarter so far?

Spalding: What has been the most challenging aspect of developing the game?

Spalding: What has been your favorite aspect of the game to develop? Looking at the content list on the Kickstarter page, I am looking forward to seeing what the Freezer looks like. I can’t help it. I’m an Eddie fan!

Spalding: Out of all the RHS characters, who have you most enjoyed developing?

Spalding: One of the things I love about this game is the fact that you will include a share feature so that players can share dances etc. with their friends. How will this work? Will it be a case of “adding friends” in-game or having a separate website where players can upload their content for others to view and download?

Spalding: Over the years, RHS has been performed so many times, by so many people. I first saw the stage show at the Brighton Dome in 1998 when the lovely Jason Donovan donned the black fishnets, and there have been lots of soundtracks produced for various tours, etc. not to mention the movie soundtrack. Will you be using the unmistakeable Tim Curry soundtrack or have you decided to use one of the other performances?

Spalding: Are you able to tell us into what might come out of Rocket Lolly Games in the future?

Spalding: Finally, on a light note, what is your favorite RHS song? As I’ve mentioned, I am an Eddie fan. “Hot Patootie” is a fantastic song but “Eddie” has got to be my favorite song.

Once again, many thanks Oscar!

The Rocky Horror Show: Touch Me is still live on Kickstarter, with only a few more day to go to reach its target. If you want to learn more about the game itself, head to my other article, Hot Patootie, Bless my Soul! and have a read about it yourself.