Fast forward more than 30 years, and it appears Intellivision is gearing up to re-enter to console space – and potentially reignite its rivalry with Atari. 

Details on the company’s newly announced system are sparse, but we do know from industry insiders that the company is looking to develop a new system that everyone – even non-gamers – can enjoy (what that exactly means is still up in the air). However, we do know that the new Intellivision won’t necessarily focus on console classics such as Donkey Kong Jr., Qbert, or Demon Attack – at least no in NES Classic style. 

This is going to be something new. 

What makes the news about an Intellivision revival even more compelling is that many of the original leadership and development team members are returning for the new console. Tommy Tallarico, the host of Video Games Live, has been named President of Intellivision Productions, the company responsible for the development of the new system. 

With the release of the Atari VCS on the horizon, a console more reminiscent of the revivals promulgated by Nintendo of late, it almost appears as if the decades-old rivalry between the two companies is set to renew.  

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the current gaming space, one where the home console landscape is dominated by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. It remains to be seen if the current generation of gamers will even care about a new Intellivision. Will the name of a company that shuttered its doors just as the golden age of console gaming began its climb to its zenith resonate in 2018+? 

We’ll just have to wait and see…

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news and information on Intellivision’s new console as it develops.