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About Intellifluence

Joe Sinkwitz, CEO and Co-Founder of Intellifluence, has nearly 20 years of experience in SEO and has led multiple successful marketing companies. He is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Using Influencer Marketing, a book detailing how to use influencer marketing for your business, how to create effective influencer campaigns, and how influencers can grow their audiences successfully. 

Before founding Intellifluence, Joe worked as a Chief Marketing Officier for a consumer product goods company. The company developed a unique product that couldn’t market well in conventional ads, even Facebook or Google ads. This situation led Joe to brainstorm new ways to sell the product, leading him to stumble onto influencer marketing campaigns. 

Joe shares, “We recognized that we needed to work with a lot of influencers, but everything was sort of agency-driven still at that point in time. It had difficulties because they had very large budgets. They wanted a very high percentage of the overall spend.”

He adds that the company’s background in software development allowed them to build their own solution, a SaaS product focused on small brands and small influencers, which they planned to expand into larger brands and influencers as they grew. 

In 2016, Joe founded Intellifluence, a Scottsdale, Arizona-based company boasting one of the largest warm influencer networks worldwide. Intellifluence’s influencer marketing platform has over 200,000 opt-in influencers that are ready to partner with brands. Brands can sign up for a free plan or choose from several paid tiers to start connecting with influencers for campaigns. 

Launching a Free Campaign Plan

Recently, Intellifluence announced that they have added free plan improvements, giving brands access to coordinating with influencers via campaigns and the Discover process. 

“When we initially launched the free plan. The idea was that we were launching something we called influencer-led offers the whole concept was some influencers want to be pitched, but sometimes they have a really unique buying proposition. They want to be able to create their own job that someone could just walk in, have no experience in influencer marketing, click a buy butter and be done.”

After having this free plan available for several months, Intellifluence collected feedback. Many brands provided input about how the platform was interesting, but they still weren’t sure how to run a successful campaign. 

Joe explains, “We retooled how the overall campaign process works and made it free, so a brand could have the ability to fund a full campaign without diluting the value of our paid plans, which of course, as a business, we need to have.”

What Was Updated for Free Plan Users?

Subscribers with a Free plan can now run influencer campaigns with five influencers. On a limited basis, they will also be able to use the Discover engine to locate specific influencers for these campaigns. However, paid subscribers are the only subscribers that can use the full extent of the Discover and campaign tools. 

The Free plan is ideal for brands with low, sporadic influencer needs who are just starting their influencer marketing journey. Other plans, like the Starter or Advanced plan, give companies much more flexibility, access, and the ability to host many campaigns simultaneously. 

“The 200,000 plus people [influencers] that we have all signed up. They signed up to work with us. It’s not just a big list of people that already are on some network that don’t even know they’re on [a list.] The influencers definitely benefit by the fact that the brand side got elevated quite a bit.”

Joe adds that this update is especially beneficial for brands as we enter another recession. 

He shares, “We’re already noticing that we’re doing some winning campaigns against some of the higher-priced plans from competitors. They [brands] are switching over because they recognize they don’t have thousands [of dollars] to burn.”

The Impact of These Changes

Joe shares, “The plan was to just increase the awareness and comfort level of influencer mar

keting as a whole, just by trying to solve problems for the community consistently. We find that money follows after that.”

The goal is that these changes will continue to grow Intellifluence’s network with larger influencers and brands. This cycle will also continue to benefit influencers and brands as they access more campaign opportunities and influencer choices. 

A post shared by Intellifluence (@intellifluence)

What’s Missing in the Creator Space?

Joe explains that segmentation is one of his biggest issues with the current influencer space. 

“There’s a segmentation problem where there are some really good software platforms out there that are for discovery only. They could look at analytics, like look at all these great people that might exist, but they’re not really good at fulfillment, and we’re really good at fulfillment, but maybe not be great on discovery. I think there needs to be a full chain solution for influencer marketing as a whole.”

He adds that the discovery filter mechanisms also need to be improved so that brands can find influencers within specific parameters easier. He’d also like to see influencer marketing platforms allow influencers to work on multiple platforms, allowing for greater collaboration and decreasing focus on one-off campaign work. 

Future Plans

Intellifluence is currently working on partnership development. 

“We’re doing integrations so that we can extend our footprint up a bit further, but also, there is so much of what we do that is driven based on the support questions we get from both influencers and brands. We’re just going to try and take as much friction as possible out of the process.”

Amy DeYoung is a freelance blog post writer covering influencer marketing and business topics. As the daughter of two business owners, she’s been fascinated by all things business from a young age, which led her to graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree in business. When she’s not typing away, she spends her time reading nonfiction books and mystery novels, baking scrumptious desserts, and playing with her dog.

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