Readability, a service akin to Marco Arment’s Instapaper which turns any web page into a clean and comfortable reading view, announced in a blog post today plans to ease the paid subscription requirement in order to make it more useful and free for everyone. In addition, they also teased the upcoming new iPhone and iPad apps here (the submissions are awaiting approval from Apple).

Eagled-eyed readers would know that Readability has been around for a while now. Indeed, reading aficionados have been enjoying functionality provided by Readability on a daily basis, yours truly included. In its most basic, free of charge offering, clicking the Readability bookmarklet in your browser strips away heavy graphics, adverts and other layout elements on web pages, leaving only the text portion and hyperlinks, which is all that matters anyway. You can also save optimized articles for later with automatic syncing across devices and send an article to your Kindle.

Another great thing: Readability is supported across dozens of popular desktop and mobile apps through the official API, including Reeder for iOS and Mac, Twitter clients Echofon, Ubersoscial and Tweetbot and many more.