Okay, bad news first. The PS4 does not support external hard drives. However, if the system is as easy as it was to change a PS3 hard drive, then that shouldn’t be a huge deal. 

There are definitely positives to this news. If you’re beholden to a console for ten years, it’s great if you can upgrade the hardware when the time comes. It increases the longevity of the device, and can allow you to make slight changes to the way your PS4 runs. 

For example, if you’re a fan of the way an SSD (Solid State Drive) runs, you can swap out your PS4 HDD for an SSD. With some games, like Call of Duty: Ghosts, having 40GB downloads, the hope is that an SSD will speed along boot up and download times. However, as of yet, there are no hard numbers on whether an SSD will help with those.

Will you upgrade your PS4 at release?