Snapchat may not be the only company Instagram is looking to copy. The company may be looking into copying Twitter’s quote-tweet feature.

Instagram confirmed to TechCrunch that it is indeed working on such a feature and that it is currently being tested with a small subset of users.

While such a feature has been available in a slew of third-party Instagram apps, it has never made its way to their first-party client. Many users simply screenshot the post and re-post it to their own feed as a way of sharing a post with their own followers.

While not quite like Twitter’s quote-tweet feature, Instagram’s new secret project allows users to share posts within their Stories.

Users can choose to not allow their Instagram posts to be “quote-Storied” in the settings, and only public posts can be quoted.

Instagram says that they don’t have a timeline on when this feature will be rolled out to everyone, or if it’ll make it beyond the small number of users. However, given the popularity of third-party apps that enable this functionality, Instagram will likely push out the feature sooner rather than later.