Instagram is out today with two major accessibility improvements to give those with visual impairments a better experience on the social media platform. Automatic alternative text and custom alternative text will offer users the ability to hear descriptions of photos.

In a blog post today, Instagram detailed the new features and acknowledged that with 285 million people who have visual impairments, making the platform more accessible is important.

The first feature, automatic alternative text, uses object recognition tech to create audio captions that works with screen readers.

Going further, users can manually add alternative text to photos to better describe photos for those who have visual impairments.

Look for “Advanced Settings” at the bottom of your screen before posting to use the custom alternative text option.

The company notes that more accessibility features are on the way. Instagram is a free download from the App Store and Play Store.

Apple has long been invested in creating strong accessibility features with its devices. Most recently, it shared how Siri Shortcuts which arrived with iOS 12 have “huge accessibility potential.”