There are a few different ways to interpret this question.One way to interpret it is that the person is interested in what you have to say and wants to see more of your content. Another way to interpret it is that the person finds you interesting and wants to learn more about you.

The term for when someone follows you around is “stalking.” Stalking is a criminal offense in most jurisdictions. It can involve the following someone, making unwanted phone calls or emails, or even showing up at their home or place of work.

Following someone on social media usually means that you’re interested in what they have to say and you want to see more of their posts. It can also mean that you’re a fan or follower of their work.

It means that the person has added you to their list of people to follow and will see your posts in their feed.

If someone follows you, there are a few things you can do. You can stay calm and try to lose them in a crowd, or you can go to a public place like a police station or busy restaurant. If you feel like you’re in danger, call the police.

There are a few ways to tell if you’re being followed. One is to watch out for people who seem to be paying too much attention to you. If someone is constantly looking your way or following you, they might be trying to track your movements. Another sign that you’re being followed is if you start experiencing strange things like your locks being tampered with or strange noises coming from outside your home.

Yes, following means next. When you follow someone, you are typically walking behind them. This means that you are next in line to do something or to receive something.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the safety of letting a stranger follow you on Instagram depends on a variety of factors, including the stranger’s intentions and your own personal safety precautions. However, in general, it is usually safe to let a stranger follow you on Instagram, as long as you take some basic safety precautions, such as ensuring that your account is private and that you do not share too much personal information with strangers.

Yes, you can call 911 if someone is following you. If you feel unsafe or threatened, it’s always best to get help from the police.

The main difference between next and following is that next is used to indicate something that will happen after the current situation while following is used to indicate something that will happen as a result of the current situation. For example, if you are at a meeting and someone says “I’ll follow up with you after the meeting,” they mean that they will contact you after the meeting is over.

There are a few ways that strangers can find you on Instagram. The first way is if they know your username. The second way is if they type in a hashtag that you’ve used before. The third way is if they click on a link from another website or social media platform.