Sadly, not all the companies think its neccessary to follow the Android UI guidelines and release an iOS port or a slightly tweaked design of their app on Android. The official Instagram client for Android is one such app which blatantly ignores the Holo guidelines and looks somewhat like an iOS port. Taking things in their own hand is the two-man team of Holofication Nation. The team’s goal is very simple — Make a decent Holo-fied version of popular Android apps. The first app that they have given a Holo look is the Instragram app for Android. Below are some pictures comparing the current version of Instagram on the Play Store (left) to the Holofication Nation’s Instagram app (Right) -: The Holofied version of Instagram  makes use of the transparent navigation and status bar APIs, Roboto Font and gives it a much flatter look keeping in mind with most of the recent Google Apps. You can download and install the Holofied version from here but do make sure to uninstall the official Instagram client from your Android device before that.