A couple of days after her recordings turned into a web sensation, her Instagram page was brought down.


This made a many individuals accept that her contribution in the moving issue got her page eliminated. Nonetheless, she has now shared a video on Facebook to expose the talk.

— AkeliciousMedia (@AkeliciousMedia) October 28, 2022

In the video, Gift Chief uncovered that she really got 15 unique strikes before her page was brought down.

As per her, she began getting the strikes right from the time she started answering to the people who offered specific remarks in her remark area.

She expressed that she ensures that she answers to any individual who mishandles her on her page, and they generally wind up revealing her remark.

She discussed when a man body-disgraced her in her remark segment and she needed to answer irately on the grounds that she was unable to allow it to go unnoticed.

— FNK TV (@Fnktvchannel) August 12, 2022

She expressed that she got a strike after that and she was restricted from offering remarks for some time. Notwithstanding, it was after her fifteenth strike that her page was at last brought down.