As Twitter announced some changes to its iOS app today to improve the user experience, Instagram is rolling out new changes that will see the company deleting “inauthentic likes, follows and comments.”

Announced in a press release, Instagram shared that some accounts have been using third-party software to “artificially grow their audience.” As this tactic takes away from the “real” and “genuine” experiences that the company believes users are looking for, it will begin deleting inauthentic content.

Instagram says that it will send messages to accounts as it deletes content and also advises users that may have unintentionally started using such a third-party service to change their password to revoke further access.

Instagram also says it will have further updates coming focused on reducing inauthentic activity.

After this update to delete inauthentic content, what could be left besides bringing the app to iPad? 😅


— Zac Hall (@apollozac) November 19, 2018