This means leading with numbers. Decision makers want to see proof—proof that the program has been successful before, and what it translated to on a business level. When taking an advocacy program up the chain, your strategy should be no different. Data should be the backbone of your pitch, and employee advocacy stats should be used to communicate the measurable benefits leading to a material impact. While your pitch should be focused, it should also speak to the potential impact on each department. For securing buy-in from Talent Acquisition, lean on the fact that candidates trust employees 3x more than employers when receiving information on work culture. For Marketing leaders, root your value prop in amplification and explain how messages shared by employees have a reach 561% greater than that of a brand channel. The infographic below highlights top employee advocacy stats that will get the attention of multiple leaders across your C-Suite. From stronger internal engagement to increased external awareness, here’s the proof that employee advocacy will impact departments across the organization.