Iron Man Will Probably Die

The MCU began with Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man, using Tony Stark to introduce viewers to “a bigger universe” of gods, aliens, and spider-powered superhumans. Although Iron Man’s trilogy ended in 2013, he’s remained an integral character in the MCU, playing a central role in both Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming. For all the conflict among the Avengers, Stark is the team’s emotional linchpin; his death would shake the whole group. In particular, the mentor relationship between Stark and Spider-Man would ensure his death carried a particularly tremendous emotional weight; just like viewers, Spidey spent the past ten years thrilling to tales of Iron Man’s adventures, and his reaction to Stark’s death would speak for audiences worldwide.

Although Downey has hinted that he could “do one more” Iron Man movie, there have been no indications that one is in the works; he’s said to be one of the actors who’ll be leaving the MCU after Avengers 4, suggesting that his contract is at an end. All things considered, a death seems likely; he’s already become a mentor figure in Homecoming, so it’d be hard to take a further step back (this would fit with the fact Iron Man won’t be appearing in the Homecoming sequel).

It is still possible that Marvel will choose to simply “retire” Tony Stark, leaving them with the option of calling Downey back for occasional cameos. Right now, though, the odds don’t look good for Iron Man to survive both Infinity War and Avengers 4. It would be appropriate if Stark wound up making the ultimate “sacrifice play,” bringing his arc to a close with a thematic tie to The Avengers.

Steve Rogers Will Leave The MCU… Somehow

It’s official: Chris Evans is leaving Marvel. Chris Evans has confirmed that Avengers 4 will be his final Marvel movie. “You want to get off the train before they push you off,” he noted. Evans was originally signed up for six Marvel films, meaning he could actually have bowed out after Infinity War. Fortunately, he was willing to extend it to cover Avengers 4. That still doesn’t mean he’s safe in Infinity War, though. Set photos from Avengers 4 have all shown Evans in his uniform from The Avengers, suggesting time-travel. It’s actually possible that he’ll die in this year’s Infinity War.

From a narrative viewpoint, Captain America’s death would be every bit as seismic as Tony Stark’s. Along with Stark, Cap has become one of the defining Avengers; the crucial difference is that he’s a team player. Where Iron Man’s egotism and narcissism make him an awkward fit in a group, Steve Rogers’s natural belief in others tends to bring out the best in them. Cap’s death would send a shockwave through the entire team, and round off his entire lifetime of sacrifice.

Of course, there is an alternate suggestion. As Avengers 4 involves time travel, it’s possible he’ll wind up back where he started, a theory bolstered by rumors Hayley Atwell will be back as Peggy Carter. Steve Rogers will go, but that doesn’t mean he has to die. Whatever the case, it won’t be the end of the Captain America mantle: either Bucky or Falcon are waiting in the wings for Phase 4.

Thor Doesn’t Need To Die (But Could)

Although Chris Hemsworth’s Thor is considered one of the Avengers’ “Trinity,” the reality is that he’s never been as important to the team dynamic. The God of Thunder’s solo films have been tangential to the Avengers story, and he’s spent large chunks of his cinematic arc away from Earth. Meanwhile, with the exception of Thor: Ragnarok, the Thor movies have never been among Marvel’s biggest blockbusters. Hemsworth has confirmed that his contract comes to an end after Avengers 4; however, he’s made clear that a good script could still tempt him to return for Thor 4, indicating he’s not expecting to be written out.

It’s possible the popular and critical success of Ragnarok has changed Marvel’s plans for Thor. That film abandoned the franchise’s Shakespearean style, relaunching Thor as a superhero comedy. Hemsworth absolutely loved the experience, and he and Ragnarok director Taika Waititi have ideas for the next film. And yet, with Asgard destroyed and the Asgardians expected to suffer Thanos’s wrath, will Infinity War and Avengers 4 leave enough left of Thor’s world to craft a continuing story from?

Whatever the case may be, the Russo brothers have confirmed that Thor and Thanos have the most screen-time in Infinity War. If Infinity War is the God of Thunder’s swan song, he’ll at least be bowing out in style.

Hawkeye Probably Won’t Die (But Something Dark’s Coming)

So far, the marketing for Infinity War has been rather disappointing for Hawkeye fans. Jeremy Renner has been entirely absent from both the trailers and posters. Thankfully, that doesn’t mean he isn’t in the film; rather, it may mean that Marvel has some surprises in store. Indeed, during our visit to the set of Infinity War, Screen Rant was told that Hawkeye has his own story in Infinity War. Considering that he’s set to take on the Ronin identity in Avengers 4, he looks pretty safe.

Theory: Here’s Why Hawkeye May Become Ronin in Avengers 4

The death of an Avenger is a major event, and Marvel would probably be hyping up Hawkeye’s presence a little if his death was part of Infinity War. That doesn’t mean Thanos won’t cost him dearly, though; in the Ultimate Universe, Hawkeye’s wife and children were killed. A personal tragedy would certainly explain why he assumed a new, darker status quo.

Does Black Widow’s Solo Movie Save Her?

Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow has good odds of survival too. Marvel are finally pressing ahead with a solo Black Widow movie, with Jac Schaeffer working on a script. There are rumors Johansson is in for a record paycheck of $25 million base pay, plus a $6 million bonus if the film grosses over $900 million worldwide.

It’s true that Black Widow could well be a prequel - an origin story, or perhaps reveal what famously happened in Budapest - but the reality is that trying to focus on the Black Widow franchise right after killing the character off would be an odd decision from Marvel. Black Widow may not have super-powers, but it looks as though she’s likely to survive Thanos’s wrath.

Hulk Can Stick Around

Of all the Avengers, Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner is the safest. Thor: Ragnarok launched an ongoing Hulk narrative that will run through Infinity War and into Avengers 4. That pretty much guarantees Banner will survive Infinity War. Beyond Avengers 4, it’s generally believed Ruffalo signed up to a six-film deal with Marvel Studios. If that’s true, Avengers 4 will mark his fifth Marvel film (discounting his post-credits Iron Man 3 cameo). So, again, the Hulk should be relatively safe from Thanos’s wrath.

The Hulk has never seemed to be a defining member of the Avengers, so it’s actually easier to keep him around. Where Stark is a world-defining genius, and Cap is the consummate team leader, Banner often finds himself isolated and alone. He can essentially wander back on to the big screen whenever Marvel decide they need him in a plot.


These are, of course, just the original six. The ranks of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have ballooned massively since 2012, bringing in dozens of new faces who could meet their maker over the next two films. But when it comes to truly ending the era, one of these founders has to go.

MORE: Every Upcoming Marvel Movie (2018 2020)

  • spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 Avengers: Infinity War Release Date: 2018-04-27 Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06