This new video showcases the smoke powers; the first we see is Delsin Rowe using smoke to glide across a street. Next we see him turn into a puff of smoke, phase through a fence, and then shove smoke down a guard’s throat until he passes out. Now if that wasn’t freaking awesome enough we see that the environments are going to be destructable. 

The guards in the video are using some sort of earth power to jump away, but that doesn’t save them from Delsin’s fiery missles or his chain whip of doom. Not sure what the big missle he is shooting is, but it seems to be doing some awesome damage to the buildings. The ways they have come up with to use smoke is very impressive, and I can already tell that smoke is going to be my new favorite power.


In the big finish Delsin charges up into the air and then comes crashing down as a ball of smoke, destroying everything in a large area around him. Overall this game is looking better every time I see it, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Hopefully we will see some of the other powers soon, as I am sure everyone is waiting to see what they do with the electric powers. Infamous: Second Son is scheduled for a release in Q1 of 2014 as a Playstation Exclusive.