Tending to the 25th Energy Techonology Meet in Mumbai, he expressed that notwithstanding the remarkable difficulties presented by the ongoing worldwide setting, India is married to the idea of net zero and is focused on making a change from the universe of hydrocarbons to an existence where green and supportable energy will decide our energy needs.


Puri further said that the country’s per capita energy utilization is 33% of worldwide normal now and will outperform it in the years to come.

“India is on a way to turn into a $10 trillion economy in 2030 and third biggest economy on the planet by 2047 and hence, there is a developing need to change the energy blend,” the priest added.

He emphasized the Public authority’s purpose to not allow anything to sabotage responsibilities towards green progress.

“By May 2022, India had proactively achieved 10% biofuel mixing and is presently on course to arrive at the 20% mark in a little while,” Puri expressed later during a media collaboration.