Aryan notification Malini designing her vehicle and asks what’s happening with she. Malini says her girl avoided her for a considerable length of time as a result of Imlie and subsequently she has chosen to bring her little girl back home. Aryan says he committed an error once. Malini says its a result of Imlie. Aryan expresses out loud anything the explanation is, sh eshouldn’t rehash it. Malini vows to deal with Cheeni and avert any difficulty before it arrives at Imlie. She says she wants an assistance from him, he can envision how much contempt Imlie implanted towards her in Cheeni’s brain, she believes Aryan should make sense of Cheeni that her mom isn’t terrible. Aryan says he will see what he can do.

Imlie runs on street and thinks she wants to arrive at Imlie at any expense. Preeta tells Neela that Aryan obstructed Imlie, so now is the right time to party. Neela says once Cheeni is out, they will celebrate. Anu strolls in and inquires as to why they are celebrating. Neela says she is commending as Aryhan would wed Preeta now.

Anu says when Aryan didn’t take a gander at Preeta for a considerable length of time, how could he now. Preeta cries that she is a long time since numerous years. Neela insults Anu that she got a granddaughter now who might irritate her every second. Anu stands grimacing. Aryan goes into Cheeni’s room and finds her getting away through window. Cheeni says she really wants to go and takes off. Malini holds up close to her vehicle and figures the reason why didn’t Aryan come at this point with Cheeni. Anu strolls to her and inquires as to why has she brightened her vehicle. Malini says she needs to bring Cheeni back home. Anu inquires as to whether she is completely insane.

Malini requests that she unwind and says they will leave her later. Cheeni sees them and stows away. Anu inquires as to whether Cheeni opens their mystery to Imlie. Malini says nothing will occur with 2.5 feet kid, she has proactively made game plans for Imlie. Aryan follows Cheeni. Anu says Imlie will return again like she returned following 5 years. Malini says not this time and takes a gander at Imlie’s pic shipped off a thug. Truckir thugs take a gander at their objective Imlie running on street and accelerate their truck towards Imlie.

Aryan arrives at Cheeni. Cheeni says Imlie never breaks her commitment, she needs to get back to her. Aryan attempts to stop her, yet she runs once more. Imlie gets away from mishap. She sees her anklet on street and waks back on street to pick it. Driver turns around his truck and hits Imlie and drives away. Cheeni sees Imlie falling on street and stands stunned. Aryan tumbles down and injuries his hands. He gets strained seeing blood overflowing from his hand. Harmed and oblivious Imlie likewise begins dying. Malini praise Anu that Imlie died and giggles out uproariously. Individuals encompass Imlie.