Aryan strolls down for breakfast and seeing Imlie at the eating table attempts to leave. Preeta says she will serve breakfast for him with her own hands. Aryan leaves. Arpita ridicules Preeta. Narmada says Aryan hadn’t been to office since a long while. Imlie says he will today and abandons Aryan. Preeta calls Malini and illuminates that Imlie believes Aryan should go to office today, their romantic tale’s most memorable season began at the workplace and a subsequent season might begin. Malini guarantees her not to stress over that.

Aryan gets into his vehicle and requests that driver take him to a battle club. Imlie camouflaged as a driver drives vehicle. Aryan thinks driver needs a hair style. Imlie takes him to Bhaskar Times office rather than battle club. Aryan lashes out on the driver. Imlie shows her face and says she carried him to his karm bhoomi/work place. Aryan says he chooses his fate and not her. Imlie says in the event that he can choose everything, then she wouldn’t need to do this. Aryan says she doesn’t require him any longer. She says they can make a choice about it later, he ought to visit office as of now. He yells for what reason would it be advisable for him he comply with her. She asks what will he gain by making a show outside the workplace.

Aryan says she won’t comprehend the aggravation he is going through and what he lost. She says not just he lost, even she lost a ton and is going through the torment. She reminds Aryan’s words that the two of them can do anything for their family, contrast is she regards just herself and he regards everybody. She says even she lost her darlings, why he is going about as a casualty of circumstance and not understanding that everybody incorporating her are with him. He says he needn’t bother with her. She says regardless of whether she is with him, his occupation is with him and he recollect his own words that work is everything; he ought to return to fill in as his representatives need him. Aryan leaves saying he has gone far away and could stay away forever. Imlie stands crying. Malini watches from the window and thinks Imlie and Aryan’s fans ought to quit trusting their reunity as the trench she has made between them can’t be connected in this lifetime. Imlie enters office. Malini acquaints her representatives with another worker Imlie from Pagdandia who has a brilliant past with being Aditya’s ex, then, at that point, joining Bhaskar Times and moving up in progress utilizing Aryan and in any event, wedding him. She says she couldn’t say whether Imlie is as yet Aryan’s better half, yet lets invite her. Workers invite Imlie and review her sting activities. Proofreader leaves and acclaims Imlie. Imlie says thanks to her. Manager says Bhaskar Times needs her. Imlie says she won’t dishearten him. Workers say they will glean some significant knowledge from Imlie. Malini says assuming the babbling is finished, lets return to work.

Malini then, at that point, requests that Imlie bring espresso for everybody as her most memorable task. Imlie says she is an autonomous journalist and herself will pick her task. Malini expresses out loud anything that she is attempting to do will not occur as Aryan won’t ever visit office from now on. Imlie ridicules her to wear an analyst material as she kept an eye on her and difficulties that the wonder which didn’t occur in 5 years will happen now. She inquires as to whether they can have a next inclusion meeting shortly. Manager concurs. Malini believes Imlie’s theatrics won’t go on for a really long time. Imlie heads meeting and says they won’t print superfluous news in first page, she, when all is said and done, will cover the news today just before freedom day.

Jaggu plays with Cheeni. Aryan gets back. The two of them wish to go out and celebrate autonomy day. Aryan concurs and requests that they illuminate entire family that they are going out. Youngsters celebrate. Imlie leaves with her group on another task. Malini fixes a bomb in a mic and figures this bomb will get her freed off Imlie until the end of time. She calls the occasion scene and illuminates that a correspondent from a presumed news paper is concealing bomb in a mic.