Narmada plays out Imlie’s aarti and says she used to call Imlie as light and Imlie left her in dim, however presently light has returned and there will not be haziness in the future. Imlie says she came to reclaim Cheeni and hasn’t returned. Malini strolls to them applauding and inquires as to whether Imlie would have rather not returned, she would have sent somebody or requested that Aryan send Cheeeni; Imlie reached a dead end financially and returned out of eagerness. Arpita cautions Malini to mind here tongue. Sundar says they trust Imlie. Malini inquires as to whether he will illuminate her about her sister, she understands what her sister is. Imlie says she will leave with Cheeni. Narmada argues her not to go. Malini asks her not to argue Imlie as eager Imlie has returned here for cash.

Cheeni lashes out hearing that and getting rowdy with Malini attempts to squeeze her. Imlie stops her and asks her not to act up with Malini as she is.. then stops and expresses senior than her. She takes Cheeni from that point. Narmada cries. Arpita stops her and says they are living in distresses, however Imlie is in distress more than them and they ought to regard her choice. Aryan strolls to family room. Imlie knocks on him. The two of them glance contrary way. Cheeni tells Aryan that she is going until the end of time. Imlie broadens her hand and says gives up. Cheeni gives Aryan’s hand in Imlie’s grasp and sits aside. Jaaniya O Dil Jaania.. tune plays behind the scenes. Aryan reviews his words that at whatever point he will hold her hand, it will advise him that he lost his child due to her. He pulls his hand back. Imlie requests that Cheeni go with her quietly and sees her dupatta trapped in Aryan’s watch band. Cheeni says Aryan won’t let them go. Aryan says he didn’t bring her and won’t stop her. Imlie contends with him. Cheeni says she won’t go from that point and takes off. Aryan and Imlie stroll in inverse bearings. Cheeni asks Seeta maiya for Imlie and Aryan’s reunity. Narmada and Arpita go along with them. A fire bottle falls inside from a window and window shade bursts into flames. Arpita calls Aryan and Sundar. Imlie surges and takes out shade. Narmada gets stressed for Imlie. Aryan runs and holds falling Imlie. Their eyes lock. Shade falls towards them. Aryan holds it. Sundar with others arrive at there and lights fire with fire douser.

Aryan gets cognizant and strolls to the side. He calls police and illuminates that somebody tossed fire bottle in his home. Imlie sees a letter and peruses that they will obliterate Bhaskar Times and its representatives on the off chance that they don’t get cash. She inquires as to whether Bhaskar Times is in misfortunes. Aryan says that is not her concern. Imlie questions Arpita who uncovers that Aryan quit visiting Bhaskar Times after Imlie left and it failed when Malini purchased half offers and handles it now.