The two of them are flabbergasted to see one another. Tere Liye Murmur Hain Jiye.. tune plays behind the scenes. She holds his hand and implodes once more. Aryan holds her. Meethi gets back with vaidya and is stunned to see Aryan. Vaidya says its a wonder that she is out of extreme lethargies and requests that his collaborator bring her prescriptions. Aryan goes with collaborator. Meethi makes Imlie lay on bed and tells vaidya that Imlie’s medication has proactively shown up and she will recover soon.

Arpita and Narmada are caught up with choosing saris when Neela strolls to them and requests that Narmada focus on her child as he has become an unmarried dad to a young lady and still up in the air to make him as her child in-regulation, she ought to get her child out of their grasps. Arpita inquires as to whether she needs to fix Aryan with another person.

Sundar says Aryan understands what he wants. Neela says he is left with Imlie still at this point. Cheeni cries recollecting Imlie. Malini cautions her not to take Imlie’s name. Cheeni in her typical rudest tone says khali mali is annoyed by Imlie’s name, consider the possibility that she comes before her. Malini inquires as to whether Imlie basically called her in 9 months. She receives a message that Aryan utilized organization records to get a few meds. Cheeni asks what happened khali mali.

Malini cautions her to act and inquires as to whether Imlie didn’t show her habits. She calls driver and asks where is Aryan. Driver uncovers that Aryan purchased meds for Imlie and is with her now. She drops telephone in shock. Cheeni inquires as to whether she got Imlie’s data and takes telephone. Malini takes it back from her and figures how should Imlie get alive in the wake of passing on. Vaidya checks Imlie and tells Meethi that Imlie’s wellbeing has further developed a ton unexpectedly. Aryan believes assuming that Imlie is pregnant. Vaidya lets him know that as a result of him, Imlie has returned to life and presently she can convey a child with no issues. Meethi strolls to Aryan and uncovers that Imlie met with a mishap while attempting to meet Cheeni and was in trance like state for a very long time. She then gets some information about Cheeni and goes to get something.

Aryan thinks Imlie was in unconsciousness and he was misconception her, Imlie is pregnant means she has continued on with another person and he can’t scrutinize her choice. Cheeni celebrates in the wake of hearing insight about Imlie and requests that workers play the music and hit the dance floor with her. Anu enters and shoos workers away and runs behind Cheeni to get her. Malini enters. Cheeni knocks on her and gets apprehensive.